Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Presentation of 15 Photographs

Some of the photos was taking by me in differnet places.
Another two family photos was taken in Ipoh during last year June.

This 2 photos was taking in Macau which is the place that next to Hong Kong. I took this photos when 2011 in a busy street. The person in this 2 photos is my sister.

 This is Jeju Island, Korea. I was taking this photos during last year Christmas.I like colour of the yellow field and the blue sky.

 This is my hometown, Taiping. This is Taiping Lake Garden. This 3 photos also took by me. I like this lake because I like the refection of the lake, just like a mirror between the land and the water.

This is the pandan leave . I like this photo is because of the water drop on th leave. The water drop look like a pearl.

 I took this photo after the rain. The plant look so nice when the buttom cover with the water which look like jelly form.

I took this photo when i was working a part time job which is photographer of actual wedding day. I like this photo because the they two look so sweet and happy.

This is my family photos which taken during last year June holidays.

This 2 photos i was taking in a Casino which is located at Macau. I love this photo is because the fake diamond really look real and nice!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Photogaphy Briefing

This module will be graded from the coursework carried out throughout this semester. It consists of 3 Exercises, 1 project, and a portfolio submission.
Exercise 1: Presentation of 10–15 of your best-liked pictures
In this exercise students will explain the reasons they like the chosen pictures, what they found interesting when taking/choosing or after taking/choosing the picture. By this process students exercise their ability to discern and reflect on what makes a good picture theoretically.
Exercise 2: ExposureThe second exercise is divided into 3 areas (Aperture, Shutter Speed & ISO), all of which directly control the quality of an exposure. This exercise will give the student an understanding of how the 3 aspects work in combination to create an exposure.
Exercise 3: The Zone System & The Rule of Thirds
This exercise delves in more detail on exposure using the Zone System method developed by Ansel Adams. Having learnt the said system students will create exposures by pre visualizing the result. Aside from exposures students will have a better understanding of composition upon learning the two-thirds theory. Used in combination Exercise 3 will result in a visual of good exposure & composition. Exercise 3 is divided in 2 parts;
3a) Highlights, Middle Tones and Shadows
3b) An Ansel Adams like exposure
Project : Theme Based: Presentation of 5 images in printed form
Student, you have by now completed various exercises on Exposure and composition. This would mean that by now you would be able to control your exposures after pre determining the desired result ala The Zone System (To be able to anticipate the final result before making the exposure)
The Rule of Thirds would have given you a simple formula to work with in regards to composition, which can serve as guide when composing pictures.
With all the above done and understood, it is now time to put your mettle to the test.
Your Task:
Choose a Subject of Interest, i.e.: Architecture, Landscape, Peoples, Person, Still Life, etc. and capture a series of 5 pictures and print them.
To elaborate further:
If the subject is Architecture and the topic is KLCC, you will shoot a series of 5 pictures on that topic only. This work will then be edited in Adobe Photoshop, printed and presented to the class. Of course to achieve a series of 5 pictures you will have to visit the topic several times before achieving pictures of good quality (Exposure and Composition). It is through this process that you will learn to plan your shots before actually shooting them.
A picture from a digital camera is only half baked if it has not been edited in a photo editing software. There are a few good photo editing softwares out there in the market and we shall be using one of the best, “Adobe Photoshop”. Demonstrations will be given during the course of Project.
When all your 5 pictures have been approved you shall then begin the final phase of the project, which is to print your pictures from a photo lab and then present it in class.
The portfolio is an edited document to include all the work produced in this module. Visual diary and process of work (packaged) are to be included as part of the portfolio submission. The portfolio should be an A4 bounded document and well-crafted. Images, drawings, text and so on must be well edited, legible and composed. Text should be kept at a minimal.
Objectives of Project
·         To achieve a series of 5 well exposed and composed pictures
·         To develop an eye for a story / for a point of interest.
Learning Outcomes  of this Project
·         Critically evaluate their photographic images.
·         Produce well exposed images using the manual functions of their camera
·         Produce well composed images using the Rule of Thirds.
·         Utilize the Zone System when exposing pictures.
·         Execute basic lighting formulas (Ambient)
·         Use Adobe Photoshop to edit pictures at a basic level.
Presentation method
·         5 printed photographic prints, Full frame pictures with a white border around the image. Size 8×10” Matt or Glossy (your choice).
Submission Requirement
·         Please Submit all 5 printed copies in an A4 Clear book (prints encased in a plastic sleave filed in a black/grey/etc File).
Assessment criteria
The assessment for this assignment will be based on
·         Whether you have successfully managed to make good exposures (Whether the images have a healthy tonal range)
·         Whether the images are well composed
·         Whether Adobe Photoshop has been successfully used to enhance the image.
Marking criteria
Marks shall be distributed as follows:
10% − Exercise 1 (Presentation)
10% − Exercise 2 (Aperture, Shutter Speed & ISO)
20% − Exercise 3 (Zone System)
40% − Project: 5 Thematic Pictures
− Exposure
− Composition
− Editing (software manipulation)
− Consistency in the series
20% − Portfolio
100% − Total
Suggested References
·         National Geographic Magazine and website
·         Time Magazine
·         Newsweek
·         Vogue Magazine
·         Wall Paper Magazine
·         Micheal Freeman. 2007. The Photographer’s Eye: Composition and Design  for Better Digital Photos
, 1 edition, Focal Press
·         7. Bryan Peterson. 2010. Understanding Exposure, How to Shoot Great Photographs with Any Camera
, 3rd Edition, Amphoto Books